Sciences Po - Ulille - Clersé - Séminaire Jeunes Chercheurs "Ecologizing Economics : Reflexivity, Methods and Interdisciplinarity in the Age of Anthropocene"

Séminaire Autres

The Institute of New Economic Thinking

Young Scholars Initiative (INET YSI)

Working Groups on Sustainability and History of Economic Thought  

are organising a


Young Scholars Workshop on the theme 


Ecologizing Economics: Reflexivity, Methods and Interdisciplinarity in the Age of Anthropocene”

On June 28th 2023 in Lille, France, the day preceding the 6th International Conference of Economic Philosophy “Economic Philosophy in the Age of the 

In the context of a multidimensional ecological crisis, economic analysis is challenged to adapt its methods so that it can remain relevant to contemporary issues. In particular, calls to strengthen the consideration of biogeophysical dynamics are becoming more and more pressing. The orientation of economics towards these issues is therefore an invitation for a certain number of economists to build interdisciplinary forms of research, open notably to natural and other social sciences. However, achieving such coherence is far from obvious.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together young researchers to question the place of economics in the ecosystem of disciplines in the context of ecological emergency. With questions at the level of economics itself (e.g. what aspects of the discipline provide a useful and singular point of view in a context of ecological crisis?) and at the level of interdisciplinarity (e.g. how to investigate emerging interdisciplinary practices?). 

To help us in our reflection, we will have the pleasure to welcome prof. Michiru Nagatsu from the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science. Prof. Nagatsu is a specialist in the philosophy of economics and sustainability sciences, and will be able to enlighten our discussions with a more experienced eye.

We encourage young scholars (widely defined) researching in economics, philosophy, sociology, history of economic thought or any related discipline to apply to this methodological workshop, either as a speaker or as a simple participant. 

Apply by filling out the form on the webpage of the workshop:

Some travel and accommodation stipends are available. The conference's registration fees will be free for the workshop participants.  

The language of the workshop will be English. 

The deadline for application is March 14th. Successful candidates will be notified in the beginning of April.

For further information and inquiries, please contact the organizers at workshop_anthropocene_YSI[chez]protonmail[point].com

Organizing committee:

Maëliss Gouchon

Hadrien Lantremange 

Camila Orozco Espinel

Baptiste Parent